my fish have white fuzz them
Treatment for a variety of problems w/catfish - Tropical Fish Keeping.
my fish have white fuzz them
White fuzz on crowntail betta - Betta Fish and Betta Fish Care.White fuzz on my angelfish. What is it? - Yahoo! Answers.
I look for my my fish every single day to make sure everyone is accounted for.. They are covered in white fuzz, as if they have been there for days, rotting. I took some out of the betta tank where I first had them and I buried.
I have been adding fish flakes every few days to my planted tank while it is. on top of my substrate (eco-complete) has grown some white fuzz on it. is this. i will also check my water parameters and post them tonight as well.
well now days my guppies are having some kind of c…. columnare),and usually appears as white fuzz/cotton on the mouth/body/fins.. It is highly contagious-dry off nets,hands,etc. before putting them in another aquarium.
Topic: white fuzz growing on fish (1/1) - Oscar Fish Advice Forum.
The eternal white fuzz disease pandemic - Tropical Fish Keeping.
Everyone is dying! HELP PLEASE. Ich? Fungus? - Tropical Fish.
Need some help big time [Archive] - Aquarium Forum.
Disaster - almost too embarassed to post [Archive] - Aquarium Forum.
My fish tank looks like it has white fuzz balls floating all. -
Betta Fish Diseases and Emergencies.. So my friends Betta who is in my care has grown white fuzz on his. How long have you had them?
Today we noticed a think white fuzz that seems to be growing on the fish. what could this be? My betta fish has a white fuzz on his pelvic fin!
White Fuzz Around Mouth.. What Could It Be? - Kokos Goldfish Forum.